So you want to learn more about the people behind this blog, huh? Well, what can I say, I am really glad that you find us interesting, LOL.

This blog as you can see is dedicated to online games, since our favorite one(after a lot of discussions) is Basketball Stars we decided to feature this game on our front page, as well as write the biggest guide on our site related to this awesome online game.

But, it is not like we don’t love other online games as well, no,  we love action games in general, puzzles, racing, shooters, etc. From time to time we add other guides as well. I must say our guides are quite useful and we are not saying it because we wrote those guides ourselves, ROFL, nope, we are getting pretty good feedback from our readers.

So, as you can see this is a gaming blog, that covers tons of different game categories, we are focused on article writing, and guide sharing, and in the near future who knows, we could be focusing on the deployment of the forum…

So forum, this is a pretty big subject, I mean in order to have decent conversations online, one has to have it, right? We are looking for good developers in order to manage it, just in case, you know anyone using our contact form, please.

What else is there? We will share with you the latest game releases as well, I know that there are tons of decent games out there, but it would be a pity for you to miss them. Follow our social media and feeds if you don’t want to miss anything interesting!

With that being said, feel free to ask any questions if you have some specific ones, the contact form is available.
